25 Jan 2008

Stop snowing please

I never saw such a heavy snow which flew without direction and filled the whole world with white. I never knew that snowing could also be a disaster in so-called ''Jiang Nan'' district in China. I grew up in ''Jiang Nan''. I had never experienced such a heavy snow since I heard "global warming" which I hated so much for taking away my loving snow. I could only figure out a rough image of snowing from my parents or grandparents. But what happened this winter shocked me totally. The crazy snow lasted for almost two weeks and was still going on which was incredible for people who lived in southern China where people had few warming facilities in winter. According to “East Morning News”, till Feb 2th the big snow has destroyed 223,000 houses and damaged 862,000 houses. The direct economic loss was about 53.79 billion Yuan. The snow covered 1.2821 million sq.km of China. More than 100 million people were affected. My hometown Anhwei province was also one of the most seriously affected places. According to the materials from the state government, till Jan 30th more than 10.799 million people were affected. Many villages were short of electricity and communication. Almost all the expressways were covered by heavy snow which could not be used anymore for the time being. Some railway stations and bus stations were out of service for the same reason. It was said that people at home could not go anywhere. Another consequence of the snow was the rising of goods’ price.
Chinese New Year is coming. However, thousands of people are stopped from going home by the snow. In some area people even do not have enough food since the transportation system has crashed. Millions of people are suffering. Stop snowing please! Let people have a nice new year.


Why is the duststorm in the northern and northwestern China getting severer ?
There are many reasons why the dust storms in northern and northwestern China become severer. But generally we can conclude all the reasons into two major reasons, the nature reason and the human reason. For the nature reason, since northern china is in a dry and mid-dry environment, the stability of the ecosystem is very bad. Furthermore, the soil in that area is sandy. The layer of soil is loose and the vegetation is frangible. So it has a low ability to protect itself from the eroding of wind. When the weather becomes dry, there are more activities from the sand blown by wind. The result of these activities is the expansion of desert and the sparseness of vegetation which cause more dust storms. For the human reason, because of the population boom, it is very difficult for the frangible ecosystem to support the huge demand of food, water and so on. Although the government carries out a lot of policies, people just do things in their own way. They burn the forest to get more land. They depasture animals on grassland without limitation. When the land becomes sandy and not arable, they just give it up and choose another place. Finally, all the land becomes sandy which causes dust storms when the weather is windy. A very ironical phenomenon is that the government planted thousands of trees. But a few years later people in that area cut them down in order to get the firewood. At last all the residents have to move to other places for the expansion of desert. Some people still haven’t realized the ponderance of protecting the environment while they are getting the benefits from nature. That’s why some environmental problems still cannot be solved today.

22 Jan 2008

Meaning of life

The meaning of life, the more I think about this topic, the more complex question it becomes, the more confused I become. Finally, I manage to understand something which I'm not so sure. But it seems reasonable. To me, the meaning of life changes with our life experiences.

In fact, I began to think about it when I was in middle school. At that time, there were not so many annoyances. Life was simple and carefree. My family treated me well except my study which they were very strict with. So the meaning of life is just to get the highest score or become a top student in school.

As time goes by, I knew more and more about life. I slowly began to understand that getting the highest score was not my meaning of life anymore. Since I was a very naughty student, I caused a lot of troubles to my parents. Then I saw that my parents were unhappy and worrying about my future. Although I was not so mature and considerate but I could still feel something. My meaning of life changed. I tried my best to make my parents happy and not worry about me.

After I stepped into university, I was suddenly troubled by something called dream or ideality. I feel the pressure from outside. I worry about what I should do after graduate. Life is not easy anymore. The meaning of life, I know it's as simple as before. But I will find it someday.