Why is the duststorm in the northern and northwestern China getting severer ?
There are many reasons why the dust storms in northern and northwestern China become severer. But generally we can conclude all the reasons into two major reasons, the nature reason and the human reason. For the nature reason, since northern china is in a dry and mid-dry environment, the stability of the ecosystem is very bad. Furthermore, the soil in that area is sandy. The layer of soil is loose and the vegetation is frangible. So it has a low ability to protect itself from the eroding of wind. When the weather becomes dry, there are more activities from the sand blown by wind. The result of these activities is the expansion of desert and the sparseness of vegetation which cause more dust storms. For the human reason, because of the population boom, it is very difficult for the frangible ecosystem to support the huge demand of food, water and so on. Although the government carries out a lot of policies, people just do things in their own way. They burn the forest to get more land. They depasture animals on grassland without limitation. When the land becomes sandy and not arable, they just give it up and choose another place. Finally, all the land becomes sandy which causes dust storms when the weather is windy. A very ironical phenomenon is that the government planted thousands of trees. But a few years later people in that area cut them down in order to get the firewood. At last all the residents have to move to other places for the expansion of desert. Some people still haven’t realized the ponderance of protecting the environment while they are getting the benefits from nature. That’s why some environmental problems still cannot be solved today.
Interesting and specific topic! However, your sentence structure is incorrect.
You also need to consider wherther or not this question refers to one particular storm or dust storms in general?
Thanks for the detailed answer to your better question. Yes, the ecosystem is certainly fragile, and as you point out, people exploit even that situation, with the result being serious problems.
Yes, the reason for such bad phenomenon is usually original from humans.
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